jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Self promotion on the go!

New York has been inspiring in many ways. But the thing that kept to me most was the importance of self promotion. Even the best commissioned illustrators send off cards or mini portfolios to remind publishers they are still alive and kicking. I haven´t been very good at it. And I guess I believed the world would be able to find me without making myself visible. Well it did not happen! After some really convincing lectures about believing in yourself and how to get yourself out there, I got triggered.

Because of my obsession with miniature objects, the mini portfolio idea immediately appealed to me.

If you google on mini portfolio, the most amazing sites pup op. It felt like walking through a candy store. Moo cards is one of them. Stickerbooks, matchbook portfolio´s almost everything is possible if you have a big fat wallet(because of the shipping costs). unfortunately my wallet  is on a strict diet lately so I decided to use my creativity and produce something myself.

On my last trip to Holland I came across a shopping guide, folded into this fantastic pocket sized booklet.
There you go! My mini portfolio template was presented to me, and all for free. I personalized the sample into my A-4 sized(unfolded) mini portfolio.  It´s all done and ready to fly into the big magical world of children book publishers.

2 comentarios:

  1. Lo vi en el facebook pero no había comentado, me gusta mil!!!!.... muy creativa siempre, qué bueno que la contagias!, besos
