I really thought that I would be able to maintain regular posting on my blog but it seems I overestimated myself. The digital communication overload is becoming quite overwhelming I must say. Facebook, email, twitter, online shop, website and blog, I´m in. It´s fun to open your inbox packed with facebook comments and likes. See the daily hits on Google analytics and orders in the shop. But It´s getting heavy. I have to start thinking about losing some digital weight.
Uncluttering my digital life that´s my goal for 2011. I will start by closing my online shop. To be honest I didn´t really expect it would become successful. It was fun! And I enjoyed making customized jewelry But my other activities are taking over. Just recently I caught myself thinking "I hope I don´t get any orders" That´s not good! So instead of stopping smoking(which I already did 7 years ago) january 1 I will officially close Miss Pinkelton.
Focus, trust and faith! I glued these words on my studio wall to remind me! Last year I´ve been blaming crisis and my bad financial situation for things going slow. I know now that it´s all about making a plan an following your bliss.
Be in the moment! Not wishing for things to come but just enjoy what´s already happening. And I think I finally got it.